

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. 登录汪达尔之星.


Behavioral-based questions can be asked of a final candidate’s former employers or colleagues. It is important to be prepared with questions before calling a reference and to listen carefully to what is 而不是 在回答具体问题时说.


  • 你的名字和头衔
  • 这里是365滚球官网
  • 候选人的名字,职位的头衔
  • You are authorized by the candidate to inquire about their previous employment and to call former supervisors, 包括这个参考
  • 谈话所需的时间(如果现在不方便,安排一个时间再打过来)
  • 信息将保密,不会与候选人共享


  • 在向现任或前任主管介绍自己时, 不要说候选人已经被“选中”, 只说他们是某个职位的最终候选人.
  • Consider whether performance problems reported by current or previous supervisors are in areas that might affect performance in the position you are filling and follow up.
  • 问具体的问题时,一定要有与工作相关的原因.
  • Do not ask any questions about characteristics that are protected by non-discrimination laws and policy, 比如关于性别的问题, 比赛, color, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 宗教, 性别认同, 性别表达, 怀孕, 婚姻或父母状况, 军人或退伍军人身份或遗传信息. U (I) 非歧视政策 可以在网上找到.
  • 在整个过程中保持高度机密. 不要将额外的调查责任委托给招聘流程之外的任何人, 只分享必要的信息.

Following is a sample inquiry form which provides a variety of possible competencies and behavioral-based interview questions that can be explored with references regarding a candidate’s past work-related performance. 这个列表并不详尽, 但应该为大多数学生提供足够的就业选择. 仔细考虑学生的职位和你所需要的技能, then select 3-5 questions to ask of the former employer or colleague that directly relate to the needs of the position you are filling.

Please ensure that information received through additional inquiries are weighted in the same way for all candidates for which reference checks are completed. 例如, 取消一名候选人资格的因素应作为取消任何候选人资格的依据. Document the information gathered from your reference check calls and include them in the search file maintained by the hiring department.

如果你对背景调查有任何疑问, including developing follow-up questions and how and whom you may share information collected from references, 请务必与员工多样性办公室联系.

当查阅参考资料时, be sure to give a brief description of the position to the person giving the reference (current/former supervisors are in the best position to address work performance). Verify facts listed on the resume such as; position, 责任, 服务年限, 离职原因. 确保所有问题都与工作有关. 请记住,所有收到的信息都是保密的.



  1. 你是否直接监督、管理或教导候选人?
  2. 请就候选人的:
    • 出勤率和可靠性
    • 积极主动地承担额外的任务
    • 善于与人相处
    • 所需的监督程度
    • 专业,团队和协作
    • 整体的态度
  3. 候选人为什么离开贵公司(如果适用)?


  1. 你和候选人的工作关系是怎样的?
  2. 你认识候选人多久了?
  3. 你如何评价候选人的表现?
  4. 你认为候选人的优点是什么?
  5. 你认为候选人在哪些方面可以提高?
  6. 描述候选人的技术技能.
  7. 解释候选人的管理风格,如果适用的话.
  8. 你是否必须解决与该候选人有关的任何冲突?
  9. 你是否注意到任何与出勤或准时有关的问题?
  10. 描述应聘者的组织能力,包括他们坚持到底的能力.
  11. 候选人是否有能力在高工作量/快节奏的环境中工作?
  12. 你如何评价候选人的人际交往能力.e. 积极、热情、精力充沛等.)?
  13. Is there anyone else you would recommend we speak with to conduct an additional reference check?
  14. 有没有什么事我没问你但你觉得有必要告诉我的?
  15. 你知道有任何不恰当的行为包括暴力吗?
  16. 你知道候选人为什么要离开现在的工作吗?
  17. 候选人是否有资格重新就业?
  18. 你会雇佣这样一个职位的候选人吗?

  1. 描述应聘者解决的一个复杂问题.
  2. 请给出一个应聘者必须为自己所犯的错误承担责任的例子.
  3. 描述一个候选人失败的项目. 他们从中学到了什么?

  1. 告诉我候选人工作场所发生的变化. 他们是如何应对这些变化的? 他们做了什么来促进这些变化?

  1. 请告诉我候选人在项目过程中是如何与其他人沟通的, 关注和建议.
  2. 你认为候选人的沟通风格如何? 请举例说明其有效性.
  3. 候选人如何与不同层次的人沟通?

  1. 候选人的主要成就或对组织的影响是什么?
  2. 在有压力的情况下,描述应聘者的反应.
  3. 候选人如何与难相处的人打交道?
  4. 候选人如何解决冲突?
  5. 你能解释一下候选人是如何有效地支持其他人的成功的吗?
  6. 你能描述一下应聘者需要寻求指导的时候吗? Did they take the 倡议 or did you or another individual need to reach out to lend that additional guidance?
  7. 举例说明应试者必须处理一个困难/敏感的问题.
  8. 候选人如何应对变化?
  9. How does the candidate handle differing opinions when they are very passionate about a topic/policy/等.?
  10. 你会如何描述候选人的价值观和道德观?
  11. 你认为候选人作为领导者最积极/最消极的特点是什么?

  1. 你为什么认为候选人有兴趣在365滚球官网工作?
  2. Have you seen the candidate put the goals/needs of the organization over that of their individual unit? 你能举个例子吗?
  3. 描述应聘者对某一特定过程充满激情的一次经历, 项目, 倡议, 等. 他们的反应如何?其他人的反应如何?
  4. 你认为候选人能积极地反映公司的价值观吗?

  1. 告诉我应聘者与其他员工之间的冲突. 他们是如何解决冲突的? 他们是如何修复与那个人的关系的?
  2. Tell me about the candidate’s relationship with a co-worker who they do not have a good working relationship. 他们采取了哪些措施来改善这种关系?
  3. 给 me an example of the candidate’s ability to communicate effectively and build relationships with people regardless of cultural differences.

  1. Describe a situation where the candidate demonstrated 倡议 and took action without waiting for direction. 结果如何??
  2. Describe a situation in which the candidate had to quickly establish their credibility and gain the confidence of others. 他们做了什么??
  3. 如果有些团队成员没有完成他们的工作,候选人会怎么做?

  1. 你能举个例子吗 of a time when the candidate took ownership or blamed others during a particular situation?
  2. 候选人如何应对批评和解决人际冲突?
  3. 你如何观察到候选人对自己和他人负责?
  4. How has the candidate responded when communicated to about areas of growth and development (i.e. 接受、防御等.)?
  5. 你能解释一下候选人是如何在紧迫的期限内工作的吗?
  6. 应聘者是否曾错过对组织/部门至关重要的最后期限?
  7. 描述应聘者设定优先级和坚持到底的能力.
  8. 你如何评价候选人的诚实和正直?
  9. What kind of situations/项目s have you placed the candidate into without hesitation versus ones that would cause you to give pause or have concern?

  1. In relation to others in a similar role, how would you rate the candidate on taking 倡议?
  2. 给 me an example of when the candidate achieved something by their persistence that others couldn’t.

  1. 描述应聘者如何在压力下工作. 他们是能有效地预测问题,还是只是对问题做出反应? 你能举个例子吗?
  2. 请给出一个候选人参与过的团队/小组项目. 他们做了什么来确保团队的成功? 有什么问题吗??
  3. Describe a situation where the team was having trouble agreeing on a decision and what the candidate did to facilitate consensus.
  4. 给 me an example of a situation when the candidate has demonstrated sensitivity to diversity issues.
  5. Describe how the candidate’s ability to communicate effectively and build relationships with many different types of people has contributed to the organization’s success.

  1. 你能举个例子吗 of a time the candidate went “above and beyond” to assist a customer? 是什么让它脱颖而出? 候选人表现出什么样的特点使这次会面引人注目?
  2. Do you know of an instance in which the candidate altered/improved a process for the sole benefit of customers?
  3. 总的来说,你如何描述候选人与顾客/客户的互动?
  4. 描述候选人在培训新员工方面的经验和有效性.
  5. Explain what your thoughts are on the candidate’s ability to be flexible and understanding of other cultures.
  6. 应聘者在多元化的工作环境中是否感到舒适?

  1. How would you describe the candidate’s relationships with co-workers, subordinates, and supervisors?
  2. 候选人是否总是以一种圆滑的方式与他人打交道? 请解释.
  3. 请描述候选人的角色和对团队/团队互动的看法.
  4. 候选人是团队中有价值的成员吗? 为什么或为什么不?
  5. 你认为候选人用什么策略来激励他们的团队或团队成员?
  6. Can you tell me about a time that the candidate was part of a team and the 项目/倡议 they were working on succeeded/failed? 候选人是如何影响这一结果的?
  7. 你能举一个候选人成功激励团队的例子吗?
  8. 什么样的人能和候选人很好地合作? 什么样的人不喜欢?

  1. How proficient is the candidate with delegation and information sharing with their supervisor, 工作小组, 和/或团队?
  2. 你如何描述候选人的口头/书面沟通风格? 候选人在其中一个方面比另一个更出色吗?
  3. 你能举个例子吗 of how the candidate communicates internally and externally to the organization?
  4. Can you give an example of a time when the candidate had to deliver difficult information to a higher level administrator or team?
  5. 描述一下你对候选人向董事会做报告的满意程度, 资助者, 政治官员, 媒体, 等.?
  6. 你能描述一下候选人与客户沟通的有效性吗?

  1. 描述一个候选人超越职责要求的例子.





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电子邮件: ekeim@casabo.net